Sustainable Urban Development and Its Profound Impact on Human Health
Tuhar Mukherjee
Government PG College, Obra, Sonbhadra, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Debarshi Mondal
Government General Degree College, Keshiary, Paschim Medinipur, West Bengal, India.
Published online: 17th December, 2023
Keywords: Sustainable development, human health, green space, urban environment.
Urbanization, a pervasive global force, has shifted over half of the world’s population to urban areas, altering habitation patterns significantly. While fostering economic growth and cultural exchange, this trend presents intricate challenges, particularly in public health. Sustainable urban development, grounded in environmental, social, and economic integration, emerges as a crucial response to the demands of rapid urbanization. This chapter explores the intricate relationship between sustainable urban development and human health within this transformative context. We aim to uncover the profound impacts of sustainable urban development on the well-being of urban populations, synthesizing existing literature and unveiling the interconnected nature of urban planning, environmental sustainability, and their collective influence on public health. Beyond analysis, our goal is to articulate how sustainable urban development can transcend conventional urban planning boundaries, acting as a catalyst for positive health outcomes. As urban environments evolve, scrutinizing the strategies and principles underpinning urban development becomes imperative. Through a multidisciplinary lens, we endeavour to unravel the complexities, challenges, and potential avenues for fostering healthier urban societies. Our ultimate aim is to ensure that cities not only thrive economically but also become sanctuaries for the optimal physical, mental, and social flourishing of their residents.
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How to Cite
Tuhar Mukherjee, Debarshi Mondal (2023). Sustainable Urban Development and Its Profound Impact on Human Health. © International Academic Publishing House (IAPH), Shubhadeep Roychoudhury, Tanmay Sanyal, Koushik Sen & Sudipa Mukherjee Sanyal (eds.), A Basic Overview of Environment and Sustainable Development [Volume: 2], pp. 105-121. ISBN: 978-81-962683-8-1.
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