Balancing Population Pressure for Sustainable Development: Strategies for a Harmonious Future
Amina Khatun
AKPC Mahavidyalaya, Hooghly, West Bengal, India.
Somnath Das
Department of Education, CDOE, The University of Burdwan, India.
Sudipa Mukherjee Sanyal
Hingnara Anchal Public Institution, Ballabhpur, Chakdaha, Nadia 741223, West Bengal.
Himika Deb
Department of Geography, SNDT Women’s University, Pune, Maharashtra 411038, India.
Anupam Ghosh
Government Model School Chhatna, Bankura 722137, West Bengal, India.
Published online: 17th December, 2023
Keywords: Population Pressure, Sustainable Development, Demographic Trends, Inclusive Policies, Technology Integration.
This chapter delves into the critical interplay between population pressure and sustainable development, offering insights and strategies for achieving a harmonious and balanced future. The escalating global population poses multifaceted challenges, impacting resource availability, environmental stability, and socio-economic structures. Recognizing the urgency of addressing these issues, the chapter explores innovative approaches to strike a balance between population growth and sustainable development. The discussion encompasses a comprehensive analysis of demographic trends, emphasizing the need for inclusive policies that prioritize social equity and environmental stewardship. The chapter also examines successful case studies and best practices from various regions, shedding light on effective strategies for managing population pressure while fostering sustainable development. Moreover, the importance of education and awareness campaigns are highlighted as integral components in empowering communities to make informed decisions about family planning and resource utilization. The chapter emphasizes the role of technology in enhancing resource efficiency and promoting sustainable practices. Ultimately, this chapter serves as a valuable resource for policymakers, researchers, and practitioners seeking a nuanced understanding of the intricate relationship between population dynamics and sustainable development. By providing actionable strategies and insights, it contributes to the ongoing discourse of forging a path towards a more harmonious and sustainable future.
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How to Cite
Amina Khatun, Somnath Das, Sudipa Mukherjee Sanyal, Himika Deb, Anupam Ghosh (2023). Balancing Population Pressure for Sustainable Development: Strategies for a Harmonious Future. © International Academic Publishing House (IAPH), Shubhadeep Roychoudhury, Tanmay Sanyal, Koushik Sen & Sudipa Mukherjee Sanyal (eds.), A Basic Overview of Environment and Sustainable Development [Volume: 2], pp. 122-137. ISBN: 978-81-962683-8-1.
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