Integration of artificial intelligence toward better agricultural sustainability

Mayuri Bhagawati
1Department of Botany, Tripura University (A Central University) Suryamaninagar – 799022, Tripura.
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Chayan Dhar
1Department of Botany, Tripura University (A Central University) Suryamaninagar – 799022, Tripura.

Dipan Sarma
1Department of Botany, Tripura University (A Central University) Suryamaninagar – 799022, Tripura
2Department of Botany, Govt. Degree College, Dharmanagar-799253, Tripura.
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Manna Das
2Department of Botany, Govt. Degree College, Dharmanagar-799253, Tripura.

Badal Kumar Datta
1Department of Botany, Tripura University (A Central University) Suryamaninagar – 799022, Tripura.

Published online: 27th May, 2024


Keywords: Agriculture, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Sustainability, Agroecology, Agribots.


The development and even survival of human civilization is highly dependent on agriculture. Modern human society, with a vast population, is continuously pressurizing agricultural techniques to modify themselves in a way that satisfies the hunger of this rapidly growing population. To ensure food security, several methods and chemical inputs have been applied in the field of farming which disturb their average ecological balance, reduce the nutrient content in the food, affect the average fertility of the soil, cause overexploitation of the natural resources, and even responsible for various fatal health issues in humans. Thus, an alternative resolution is needed, which is Artificial Intelligence. Integration of AI has proved to be a boon for the present-day farmers. AI eases farming practices by monitoring crop health, predicting pests, diseases, drought, weather forecasting, harvesting, categorizing harvested ones, aiding farmers in making necessary decisions regarding selling, etc. They also facilitate sustainability as early prediction of weeds, pests, and diseases would directly reduce the content of chemical inputs in the field; this, in turn, supports soil health and also checks overexploitation of groundwater while irrigating the croplands. Except for the doubt and misconceptions of the farmers about the potency of these AI-based tools in fulfilling their needs and the high cost, AI as a whole is a complete solution to the modern farming society for benefiting themselves and fulfilling the market demand without disturbing our ecosystem.


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A Basic Handbook of Science, Technology and Innovation for Inclusive Development
[Volume: 1]

How to Cite
Mayuri Bhagawati, Chayan Dhar, Dipan Sarma, Manna Das, Badal Kumar Datta (2024). Integration of artificial intelligence toward better agricultural sustainability. © International Academic Publishing House (IAPH), Dr. Suman Adhikari, Dr. Manik Bhattacharya and Dr. Ankan Sinha, A Basic Handbook of Science, Technology and Innovation for Inclusive Development [Volume: 1], pp. 71-85. ISBN: 978-81-969828-4-3.


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