A Short Review on Beneficial Effects of Selenium on Human Health

Dr. Prosenjt Ghosh
Assistant Professor and HOD, Department of Zoology, Government General Degree College, Kaliganj,
Debagram, Nadia, West Bengal, India
OrchideID Icon https://orcid.org/0009-0009-9153-3139

Published online:30 June, 2024

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52756/lbsopf.2024.e02.013

Keywords: Selenium, Cancer, antioxidant, cardiovascular


The trace element Selenium (Se) is an essential micronutrient for humans and animals. The beneficial effects of Se range from maintenance of metabolic processes, bone stability, immune and endocrine system, helping in reproduction to prevention of various diseases including cancer, brain disorders, asthma etc. Meat, fish and dairy products are considered as best sources of dietary Se. It is an important constituent of two amino acids: selenocysteine and selenomethionine. These two amino acids help to form several essential enzymes in human like thioredoxin reductases, glutathione peroxidases, iodothyronine deionidases and selenoproteins such as selenoprotein O, selenoprotein P or selenoprotein R. Deficiency of Se results in the development of many serious health effects in humans including Keshan disease. So, studies on various aspects of Se have become topic of interest amongst researchers.


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Life as Basic
Science: An Overview and Prospects for the Future Volume: 2

How to Cite
Dr. Prosenjt Ghosh (2024). A Short Review on Beneficial Effects of Selenium on Human Health. © International Academic Publishing House (IAPH), Dr. Somnath Das, Dr. Latoya Appleton, Dr. Jayanta Kumar Das, Madhumita Das(eds.), Life as Basic Science: An Overview and Prospects for the Future Volume: 2, pp.148-158. ISBN: 978-81-969828-6-7DOI: https://doi.org/10.52756/lbsopf.2024.e02.013


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