Bioremediation of Heavy Metals by Microbial Process
Shamim Hossain Mandal
Department of Biotechnology, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, Nadia, West Bengal, India
Pushmita Halder
Eco- Toxicology, Fisheries and Aquaculture Extn. Laboratory, Department of Zoology, University of Kalyani, Kalyani, Nadia, West Bengal, India
Ashis Kumar Panigrahi
Eco- Toxicology, Fisheries and Aquaculture Extn. Laboratory, Department of Zoology, University of Kalyani, Kalyani, Nadia, West Bengal, India
Keywords: Heavy metal; Bioremediation; Bioaccumulation; Toxicity; Oxidative stress
Heavy metal toxicity, persistence, bioaccumulation, and biomagnification make it a serious environmental problem. There are several natural and human-caused factors that can lead to environmental heavy metal pollution. The main natural sources of heavy metals are rock weathering and volcanic eruptions. However, burning fossil fuels and petrol, mining, incinerators for trash, industrial and agricultural activities, metal-bearing rocks, and so on are human sources of heavy metals. The most common heavy metal pollutants that are extremely dangerous include lead, zinc, copper, mercury, arsenic, chromium, nickel, and arsenic. Oxidative stress development is the fundamental chemical process of metal poisoning. Stress weakens the immune system, ruins tissues and organs, leads to birth abnormalities, and reduces the ability to procreate. One innovative and promising technique that can be used to remove and reduce heavy metals from water and contaminated soil is bioremediation. An important component of heavy metal bioremediation is microorganisms. Genetically modified organisms can be created by genetic engineering, and these organisms have the potential to produce fewer polycyclic hydrocarbons (PAHs). There are numerous methods by which metals and microbes interact, including biosorption, bioaccumulation, and bioleaching. To preserve lives and carry out legislation relevant to heavy metal conservation in the environment, it is imperative to investigate the origins of these metals and the potentially harmful impact they have on human health.
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How to Cite
Shamim Hossain Mandal, Pushmita Halder and Ashis Kumar Panigrahi (2024). Bioremediation of Heavy Metals by Microbial Process. © International Academic Publishing House (IAPH), Dr. Somnath Das, Dr. Ashis Kumar Panigrahi, Dr. Rose Stiffin and Dr. Jayata Kumar Das (eds.), Life as Basic Science: An Overview and Prospects for the Future Volume: 1, pp. 48-56. ISBN: 978-81-969828-9-8 doi: