Exploring the Riches of Rauvolfia serpentina: Botany, Pharmacology, and Conservation Perspectives
Bishop Debnath
Agriculture and Food Engineering, IIT Kharagpur, West Medinipur, West Bengal, India 712302
Suparna Sanyal Mukherjee
Department of Education, Seacom Skills University, Kendrangal, Bolpur, Birbhum, West Bengal India 731236
Saikat Kumar Basu
Executive Research Director, PFS, Lethbridge Alberta, Canada T1J 4B3 http://orcid.org/0000-0001-7305-4817
Published online:08 August, 2024
DOI: https://doi.org/10.52756/boesd.2024.e03.002
Keywords: Rauvolfia serpentina, Sarpagandha, Palynology, Pharmaceutical, Ethnobotanical, Conservation, Nanobiotechnology, Alkaloids, Reserpine, Serpentina, Traditional medicine
Rauvolfia serpentina (L). Benth. ex-Kurz, commonly known as Sarpagandha, is a vital medicinal plant native to the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asian countries. This comprehensive review explores the botanical description, palynology, pharmaceutical properties, ethnobotanical practices, applications in nanobiotechnology, in vitro propagation, and bioinformatics associated with this plant. Belonging to the Apocynaceae family, R. serpentine faces endangerment due to the overexploitation of its bioactive constituents, which prompts the need for sustainable conservation strategies. The Apocynaceae family, distributed worldwide, encompasses approximately 400 genera and 5000 species. Among the six Indian species of the Rauvolfia genus, R. serpentina and R. tetraphylla are particularly valued for their medicinal properties, with R. serpentina facing extinction and listed under CITES Appendix II. This study delves into the phytochemical composition of R. serpentina, emphasizing the therapeutic virtues of its alkaloids, including the renowned reserpine, ajmaline, ajmalicine, serpentina, rescinnamine, deserpidine and yohimbine. These alkaloids contribute to the plant’s efficacy in treating hypertension, mental disorders, and snake bites. Pollen morphology, ayurvedic pharmacodynamics, and ethnoveterinary practices are also discussed, highlighting the plant’s diverse applications in traditional medicine. The mineral composition of R. serpentina suggests potential therapeutic roles in managing diabetes and aiding blood coagulation. Recent advancements in in vitro propagation techniques are explored to address challenges in commercial cultivation. Furthermore, the plant’s role in synthesizing nanoparticles and the existence of SerpentinaDB, a structured compilation of plant-derived molecules from R. serpentina, provide avenues for future research and development. The present sequel has been emphasized and counteracted with the multifaceted exploration of R. serpentine with its significance as a traditional medicine, pharmaceuticals, and conservation efforts among the society at large. Because of overharvesting and habitat destruction, the Rauvolfia genus of medicinal plants is experiencing a decline in population, making conservation efforts essential. Protecting habitat and using sustainable farming methods are crucial to maintaining these priceless species and their ecological significance.
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[Volume: 3]
How to Cite
Bishop Debnath, Suparna Sanyal Mukherjee and Saikat Kumar Basu (2024). Exploring the Riches of Rauvolfia serpentina: Botany, Pharmacology, and Conservation Perspectives © International Academic Publishing House (IAPH), Dr. Nithar Ranjan Madhu, Dr. Tanmay Sanyal, Dr. Koushik Sen, Professor Biswajit (Bob) Ganguly and Professor Roger I.C. Hansell (eds.), A Basic Overview of Environment and Sustainable Development [Volume: 3], pp. 20-55. ISBN: 978-81-969828-3-6
DOI: https://doi.org/10.52756/boesd.2024.e03.002