How Plastics Affect the Marine Environment: Its Sources, Threats, and Consequences, Potential Countermeasures for a Healthy Ocean Environment
Anirban Pandey
Department of Zoology, A.B.N. Seal College, Cooch Behar, West Bengal, India.
Aloke Saha
Department of Zoology, University of Kalyani, Kalyani 741235, Nadia, W.B., India.
Biswajit (Bob) Ganguly
Noble International University (NIU), USA.
Roger I.C. Hansell
Noble International University (NIU), USA.
Tanmay Sanyal
Department of Zoology, Krishnagar Govt. College, Krishnagar, West Bengal 741101, India.
Published online: 17th December, 2023
Keywords: Plastic pollution, Marine environment, Environmental threats, Ocean health, Sustainable Solutions.
The vast majority of modern consumer goods are made of plastic. They play a significant role in practically every product category and are widely incorporated into modern living. But nowadays, plastic makes up a significant portion of litter and is widely documented in the context of the marine environment. Globally, plastic pollution is acknowledged as a serious problem for marine and coastal ecosystems. A major worldwide concern that affects the marine industry, tourism, marine life, and human health is the unusual and ongoing build-up of growing plastic contaminants into aquatic ecosystems. These pollutants have the potential to directly or indirectly impair ecological processes. Even though plastic has numerous advantages, it is obvious that society’s dependence on plastics has to be addressed. On the other hand, substitute materials for plastic products or ways to reduce the release of plastic also need to be evaluated to ensure that their qualities and effects on the environment are more favorable.
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How to Cite
Anirban Pandey, Aloke Saha, Biswajit (Bob) Ganguly, Roger I.C. Hansell, Tanmay Sanyal (2023). How Plastics Affect the Marine Environment: Its Sources, Threats, and Consequences, Potential Countermeasures for a Healthy Ocean Environment. © International Academic Publishing House (IAPH), Shubhadeep Roychoudhury, Tanmay Sanyal, Koushik Sen & Sudipa Mukherjee Sanyal (eds.), A Basic Overview of Environment and Sustainable Development [Volume: 2], pp. 520-540. ISBN: 978-81-962683-8-1.
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