Traditional uses of some indigenous plants as medicine by Sundarbans’ people in West Bengal
Somnath Das
Department of Education, CDOE, The University of Burdwan, India.
Subhobrata Bondopadhyay
Raiganj University, West Bengal, India.
Published online: 15th December, 2023
Keywords: Traditional uses, indigenous plants, primitive people, Sundarban area.
Out of 45,000 plant species in India, more than 4,000 are known to be herbs. In Sundarbans, this number is more than a hundred. Trees, herbs and shrubs have been used for various ailments. In most cases, the long-term adverse reactions have forced the entire world today to look for ways to survive by searching for the herbal plants scattered in the forests and the knowledge accumulated over centuries of experience through application. In search of even though there is an advanced medical system available today, the people of Sundarbans have not lost their faith in the traditional herbs that have been passed down from generation to generation. People here lead their lives through hard struggles. They get benefits by using raw plant parts traditionally during illness. In many cases, plants are used as traditional medicine and are more effective than modern medicine, according to the local healer of Sundarbans. In this chapter, the scientific and vernacular names of some of the medicinal plants of Sunderbans, plants part, traditional uses & method of uses in particular disease for curing their daily health problems are elaborately described.
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and Traditional Medicine
Vol. 2
How to Cite
Somnath Das and Subhobrata Bondopadhyay (2023). Traditional uses of some indigenous plants as medicine by Sundarbans’ people in West Bengal. © International Academic Publishing House (IAPH), Mrs. Bhanumati Sarkar, Dr. (Professor) Surjyo Jyoti Biswas, Dr. Alok Chandra Samal & Dr. Akhil Pandey (eds.), The Basic Handbook of Indian Ethnobotany and Traditional Medicine [Volume: 2], pp. 72-88. ISBN: 978-81-962683-5-0.
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