Culicoides species: The Biting Midges
Shrinka Ghosh
Department of Zoology, Acharya Prafulla Chandra College, New Barrackpore, West Bengal, India.
Keywords: Culicoides, insect vector, environmental changes, disease emergence
Pesticides are important for protecting agricultural crops against harmful pests. However, pesticide usage has become a serious issue of concern as they cause severe damage to the ecosystem and environment. Organophosphates are one of the most extensively applied insecticides in agriculture. Agricultural runoff containing pesticide-laden effluent ultimately pollutes the aquatic environment. Pollutants introduced to aquatic ecosystems are absorbed by various flora and fauna, including fish, causing harmful effects and mortality. The LC50 values of a few organophosphate pesticides in several fish species and other investigations relevant to sublethal toxic effects such as haematological, biochemical, histopathological, and behavioural alterations were reviewed in this article.
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How to Cite
Shrinka Ghosh (2022). Culicoides species: The Biting Midges. © International Academic Publishing House (IAPH), Dr. N. R. Madhu & Dr. B. K. Behera (eds.), A Basic Overview of Environment and Sustainable Development, pp. 80-91. ISBN: 978-81-957954-2-0 DOI:
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