Sourav Kanti Patra
Assistant Professor in Mathematics, CDOE, University of Burdwan, Burdwan
Keywords: Language, Mathematics, Study, Science, Knowledge, Skills, Ideas, Numbers.
Here we try to highlight the huge area where mathematics is involved and improved. Without mathematics, we can’t even think about many things around us. Mathematics inspires a person to study and gives freedom of thinking. Mathematics provides an effective way of building mental discipline and encourages logical reasoning and mental growth. In addition, Mathematics can give a clear idea about the other subject also. Mathematical knowledge plays a crucial role in understanding the contact of other school subjects such as science, social studies, and even music and art.
“Mathematics is the language of all science”. To feel and understand the present situation of the whole department of Science, Mathematics is very helpful. To be the language of science, for any presentation, we need mathematical tools to express what we want to represent. In addition, mathematics provides foundation knowledge and skills for other subjects.
Doing mathematics and solving Mathematical problems increases solving ability and patience, which is also useful in our own life. By increasing patience, concentration power also increases. In addition, solving problems regularly trains our minds to be disciplined. To succeed in life, there is a strong need to develop mathematical thinking, which gives creative thinking and reasoning skills. The development of such skills will have significant positive effects on our life.

How to Cite
Sourav Kanti Patra (2022). EDUCATION IN THE LIGHT OF MATHEMATICS. ©International Academic Publishing House (IAPH), Somnath Das (eds.), Impact of Education in the Light of Different Pedagogical Subjects ,Vol. 1, pp. 90-100, ISBN: 978-81-957954-4-4. DOI: