Swapan Bhattacharya
Director of CDOE, The University of Burdwan, West Bengal, India
DOI: https://doi.org/10.52756/ieldps.2022.e01.007
Flipped learning; Technical education; Washington Accord; Internal and societal parameters; Outcome-based education.
The present paper substantiates flipped learning as one of the improvised and improved learning techniques taking into account different interpersonal and social parameters, e.g., communication skills, group discussion, leadership quality, course duration in terms of working hours in respective subjects, digital resources for teaching etc. Following the Washington accord, noticeable differences are observed in terms of the active participation of students throughout the continuous evaluation process. The quality of content is modified according to the need of the hour, and feedback is taken at the end of the course in terms of method of delivery, clarification of concepts, and teaching of subject matter. Improvement in performance is reflected in some particular courses through overall University grading and the increase of attendance and enrichment of communication ability, whereas interpretation deteriorated in mathematics-based engineering science papers. Outcomes are statistically computed assuming the availability of undisrupted internet sources at each student’s home. One point implicated while making the factual graphs is that the entire outcome depends on the student‟s preparation day-by-day. On the other hand, all the screencasts the faculties share are well-organized, so self-learning is not problematic. Apart from these statistical assumptions, results are very significant and justify the implementation of flipped learning.

How to Cite
Swapan Bhattacharya (2022). Effective utilization of digital resources for undergraduate in technical education through flipped learning. ©International Academic Publishing House (IAPH), Somnath Das (eds.), Impact of Education in the Light of Different Pedagogical Subjects ,Vol. 1, pp. 100-109, ISBN: 978-81-957954-4-4. DOI: https://doi.org/10.52756/ieldps.2022.e01.007