Dr. Sanjoy Kumar Maji
Principal (Central Modern College of Education) Baranagar, Kolkata – 700036
DOI: https://doi.org/10.52756/ieldps.2022.e01.005
Keywords: History, History Education, Knowledge Construction, Human Life and Society.
According to the Kothari Commission (1964-66), commonly referred to as history isn’t only an object of human interest yet a wellspring of passionate security that gives development, soundness and self-confidence. Modern social scientists and progressive thinkers think that history is a recorded script in which human life and society are related and includes all the changes human society has gone through, all the ideals that have controlled and affected human activities, and the real facts that affected human advancement. Students can gather knowledge about society and country from the study of history. It irradiated the narrowness of the mind and expanded our views. Therefore, the inclusion of history in the school-level curriculum is very apt. According to the National Curriculum Framework 2005, education will be learners oriented, and the teaching process will be constructive. The learners will develop their knowledge by active participation in classroom teaching, where they can amalgamate their previous knowledge and experience with the new learning situation. By this way, they can create new knowledge. History is the memory of the human experience. History is not a separate individual subject. Every subject of the contemporary educational curriculum- literature, different sciences, religion, philosophy, Political Science, Sociology, Education, Economics, Geography, Mathematics, Medical Science, Technology, Agriculture, Industry etc. is included in History. No subject can develop continuously if it excludes history. All didactic subjects are connected with history from the beginning, and history is the mother of all subjects.

How to Cite
Dr. Sanjoy Kumar Maji (2022). Impact of Education in the Light of History Subject. ©International Academic Publishing House (IAPH), Somnath Das (eds.), Impact of Education in the Light of Different Pedagogical Subjects ,Vol. 1, pp. 70-89, ISBN: 978-81- 957954-4-4. DOI: https://doi.org/10.52756/ieldps.2022.e01.005