Milan Maji
Research Scholar, Dept. of Education National Sanskrit University, Tirupati, A.P.
Keywords: Sanskrit Learning, CLT, Reading and writing skill, Modern Education.
The usefulness and relevance of Sanskrit as the most excellent language in this scientific age are well known. If there is no language, it cannot be practical in the world. Language is the body of culture. Therefore, language is the most excellent tool in the daily practice of human society. In this world, language learning begins at birth through informal means. The tendency to acquire language is natural in humans; therefore, a child starts speaking a language quickly. Language learning in humans is natural, universal and eternal. Everywhere a child learns language from his mother from childhood. After that, language is acquired by household members and other social members. There is a social process by which a child acquires language with ease and play. Therefore, at the higher secondary level, students can read, write and speak in their mother tongue, but there is some difficulty in reading, writing and speaking in Sanskrit. Acquisition of Sanskrit requires the ability to read and understand certain words and all kinds of proficiency in the language. In the present era, there is a great need for practice in learning Sanskrit. Therefore, new trends are being seen in language learning worldwide to solve all the problems. There is some tendency among them towards computer-assisted instruction. How it can be used in Sanskrit language acquisition is considered here.

How to Cite
Milan Maji (2022). Impact of modern education in the light of sanskrit language through clt for reading and writing skill. ©International Academic Publishing House (IAPH), Somnath Das (eds.), Impact of Education in the Light of Different Pedagogical Subjects ,Vol. 1, pp. 57-69, ISBN: 978-81-957954-4-4. DOI: