Bamboo is a common plant native to Asia that has been used in a variety of industries. It also produces a large volume of leaves that go to waste and are not used for any useful purposes; it is often considered a bio-waste and is incinerated or dumped because its applications have not yet been fully explored. Ultimate analysis was performed to determine the Carbon, Oxygen, Hydrogen and Nitrogen content of bamboo leaf. The impact of bamboo leaves on the production of biochar has been investigated and described in this study. Performing proximate analysis Fixed carbon (FC) content, Ash (A) content and volatile matter (VM) content were determined to be (15.395 ± 0.145) %, (2.745 ± 0.131) % and (81.861 ± 0.258) % respectively. Bulk density was reported to as (0.322333 ± 0.001528) gm/cm3 . X-Ray diffraction (XRD) results revealed the presence of various phases; Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) results showed various modes of vibrations viz. O-H stretching bending of other bonds; It appears that, the bamboo leaf biochar can have suitable properties for its use as an alternative source of bioremedic application for removing heavy metals from wastewater. A fish model was also developed by making the different concentration of lead contaminated water and using „Gangetic koi‟ as a fish specimen. Its high porosity and carbon content suggest its application as activated carbon also; after physical or chemical treatments. The current study aims to push the boundaries of bamboo leaf utilization beyond being an unutilized bio-waste to become a value-added product with long-term applications.
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