International Academic Publishing House (IAPH) follows a peer-review process. The entire peer-review process should be thorough, objective and fair. International Academic Publishing House (IAPH) reputation depends heavily on the fairness of the peer-review process. Peer reviewers (subject related/specialist) are experts chosen by International Academic Publishing House’s (IAPH’s) editors to provide the written assessment of a particular format of written research, intending to improve the reporting of research and identify the most appropriate and highest quality material for the Book.
- The manuscript should only be submitted using the E-mail. Author(s) submit an anonymized file with the affiliation & authors’ names. Author(s) also send an abstract cum affiliation, authors’ names, E-mail, Orcid id, and keywords in a separate file. The manuscript should be submitted online with a cover letter cum Declaration form Reference Checklist Form.
- The title, keywords, main body of the text, references, tables, and figures, acknowledgment, funding, conflict of interest, ethical issue, references, and similarity index (plagiarism report by publisher Turnitin software), among other things, are examined by a team that includes the editor(s) for acceptability. The incomplete manuscript will not be processed for publication and will be rejected. Manuscripts that are appropriate in every way and prepared in accordance with the author’s standards will be forwarded to at least two specialist subject expert reviewers as recommended by the Editorial Board members.
- Distinguished reviewers can write their reviews directly into the e-mail system and attach their files to the appropriate location. The authors’ identity is concealed from the reviewers, and the peer review process is often completed within two to three weeks of the submission date.
- The Editor(s) check a submission for accuracy in regard. The manuscript is immediately rejected if it is not appropriate. After reviewing all of the reports, will compile a comment and recommendation report for the manuscript and send it to the Author(s). This will happen only if there is a possibility that the article will be published. The paper’s author designated as the corresponding author is the one with whom all communications, including clarifications, corrections, and alterations, are conducted.
- The paper is sent out for review by the Editor(s). Usually, the paper will be evaluated by at least one of the previous reviewers.
- After the reviewers have finished their work, the Editor-(s) team analyze their suggestions to determine if the paper is ready for publication, requires additional revisions, or should be rejected.
- In the event that it is agreed to accept, the article should be forwarded to our production house so it can be published. Our technical staff will finish formatting the manuscript as per our format as soon as possible.
- The Copyright form and only essential charges are accepted at this point.
- The technical team formats the manuscript to the appropriate Book style before sending it to the editor(s).
- The editor(s) keeps track of the manuscript’s serial number, key dates (such as the day it was received, accepted, and will be published) and permits provisional doi and check for updates (may change before uploading XML format for DOI number & check update submission). The editor(s) also sends the publisher editing section a message to verify for clarity and proofreading errors.
- The article is sent to the corresponding author for one last review before being uploaded and indexed online after receiving the last revision and final version.The paper is approved based on the reviewers’ and editors’ recommendations. The Editor(s) will make the ultimate decision. As part of its objective, the International Academic Publishing House (IAPH) adopts a neutral position on issues treated within this Book.