Aniket Sutradhar
Assistant Professor in Physics (B.Ed. Section), Kalna College, West Bengal
Keywords: Physics Education, Society, Social Reformer, Physicists
Wild humans’ journey to becoming social beings is based on their understanding of physics. From the use of fire to the use of 5G, physics is the torch bearer. Without physics, the human world is immovable today. The study draws society’s attention to the importance and development of physics from the very beginning of the human species to today’s superfast age of globalization. In the later part of the study, the matter of discussion is how Bengal has participated in developing the Physics study in time spaces. The development of Physics can contribute to society and the nation. Hence, it is prescribed that physics teaching from schools to universities, from science seminars to space research, should get more importance and dedication as physics is the torchbearer of educated human society.

How to Cite
Aniket Sutradhar (2022). Physics education to develop the society and education. ©International Academic Publishing House (IAPH), Somnath Das (eds.), Impact of Education in the Light of Different Pedagogical Subjects ,Vol. 1, pp. 110-116, ISBN: 978- 81-957954-4-4. DOI: