Role of Language Laboratory in Second/Foreign Language Teaching and Learning
Dr. Shyamasree Sur
Assistant Professor and Head, Department of Education Siddhinath Mahavidyalaya, S.S.Patna , Purba Medinipur, West Bengal
The history of the Language Laboratory is not very old. It originated in the USA but rapidly gained ground in t h e UK in the 1960s. It has formulated some important teaching techniques in a few countries, including India, especially in teaching foreign languages. Essentially language laboratory is a device that promotes self-learning. Here the learner can hear the language spoken from recorded tapes, and then they practice speaking in the same manner. The language laboratory mainly concentrates on listening (comprehension) and speaking, leaving reading and writing skills to be developed later. When speaking, it tries to develop correct pronunciation, intonation and accent. It also aims to develop an ability to use the words, idioms and phrases in the language in the correct way. Lastly, it helps communicate the learner’s ideas effectively in the language. A small group of learners is taken in Language Lab.Batch.It enables a group of 20 learners to use the same material at a time.

How to Cite
Dr. Shyamasree Sur (2022). Role Of Language Laboratory In Second/Foreign Language Teaching And Learning. ©International Academic Publishing House (IAPH), Somnath Das (eds.), Impact of Education in the Light of Different Pedagogical Subjects ,Vol. 1, pp. 137- 142, ISBN: 978-81-957954-4-4. DOI: