Sustainability and sustainable development
Kabita Kundu
UG & PG Department of Zoology, Bangabasi College, Kolkata 700009, West Bengal, India.
Keywords: Sustainable, Economic, Environmental, Development, Goals, Protection, Concept
The ability to “maintain some thing, outcome, or process over time” is the precise definition of the phrase “sustainability,” which also refers to the practice of engaging in activities that do not deplete the resources upon which that capacity is dependent. At the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), often known as the Rio Conference, which took place in 1992, a clear discussion on sustainable development evolved. A solution should be provided by sustainable development in terms of providing fundamental human needs, integrating environmental development and conservation, attaining equality, ensuring social self-determination and cultural variety, and preserving the integrity of the natural system.
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How to Cite
Kabita Kundu (2022). Sustainability and sustainable development. © International Academic Publishing House (IAPH), Dr. N. R. Madhu & Dr. B. K. Behera (eds.), A Basic Overview of Environment and Sustainable Development, pp. 92-97. ISBN: 978-81-957954-2-0 DOI:
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