The Impact of Microplastics on Fish Poses a Threat to Human Health
Biplab Bhowmik
Parasitology Laboratory, Department of Zoology, Diamond Harbour Women’s University, Sarisha -743368, West Bengal, India
Lisa Basu
Parasitology Laboratory, Department of Zoology, Diamond Harbour Women’s University, Sarisha -743368, West Bengal, India
Keywords: Microplastics, fish, contamination, human, aquatic ecosystems, water pollution, plastics, freshwater ecosystems, toxic
With the growth of human population, the production and usage of plastics are also increasing. Overuse of plastics has adverse effects on the environment. Underwater plastics fragment into microplastics (MPs). This MP is a major cause of concern as a pollutant in aquatic ecosystems. Microplastic contamination is not a newly discovered problem, but it is still a crucial issue to discuss. MP exposure poses a great threat to fish health. MPs contamination can cause organ damage, toxic responses, behavioral changes, and so on. Additionally, MP ingestion by fish directly or indirectly affects human lives. Microplastics enter the human body in large amounts through fish consumption. The accumulation of microplastics within the human body has a wide range of toxicological and negative consequences. The control strategies for microplastic contamination are still in their infancy. More detailed study is needed about the nature and toxic effects of the MPs in order to mitigate their effects.
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How to Cite
Biplab Bhowmik and Lisa Basu (2024). The Impact of Microplastics on Fish Poses a Threat to Human Health. © International Academic Publishing House (IAPH), Dr. Somnath Das, Dr. Ashis Kumar Panigrahi, Dr. Rose Stiffin and Dr. Jayata Kumar Das (eds.), Life as Basic Science: An Overview and Prospects for the Future Volume: 1, pp. 120-130. ISBN: 978-81-969828-9-8 doi: