The Integration of AI Technology into Environmental Education
Somnath Das
Department of Education, CDOE, The University of Burdwan, 713104, West Bengal, India
Saeed Anowar
Department of Education, CDOE, The University of Burdwan, 713104, West Bengal, India
Sukalyan Chakraborty
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Jharkhand – 835215, India
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence; Environmental Education; personalized Learning
This article delves into the burgeoning intersection of environmental education and artificial intelligence (AI), aiming to explore their integration’s potential synergies and implications. As humanity grapples with pressing environmental challenges, AI’s power holds promise for revolutionizing environmental education methodologies and solutions. The discussion encompasses various aspects, including AI-driven data analysis for environmental monitoring, personalized learning experiences, and the development of innovative conservation strategies. Furthermore, the article examines ethical considerations, such as ensuring inclusivity and equity in AI-enhanced educational initiatives, and the need for responsible AI governance to mitigate risks and maximize benefits. Through an interdisciplinary lens, this exploration seeks to inspire dialogue and action among educators, policymakers, technologists, and environmental advocates to leverage AI as a catalyst for transformative environmental education practices in the pursuit of sustainability and ecological stewardship. This study investigates integrating AI into environmental education via qualitative methods. It conducts a systematic literature review using keywords on reputable databases. Qualitative data are gathered from interviews and focus groups with educators, students, and experts. Thematic analysis identifies patterns, and ethical considerations are paramount. Findings inform potential impacts, benefits, challenges, and recommendations. The integration of AI technologies in environmental education enhances comprehension and engagement across educational levels. It fosters critical thinking, problem-solving, and interdisciplinary skills, empowering students to address environmental challenges effectively. Collaboration and holistic approaches promote environmental awareness and responsible decision-making, shaping a sustainable future.
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How to Cite
Somnath Das, Saeed Anowar and Sukalyan Chakraborty (2024). The Integration of AI technology into Environmental Education. © International Academic Publishing House (IAPH), Dr. Somnath Das, Dr. Ashis Kumar Panigrahi, Dr. Rose Stiffin and Dr. Jayata Kumar Das (eds.), Life as Basic Science: An Overview and Prospects for the Future Volume: 1, pp. 223-247. ISBN: 978-81-969828-9-8 doi: